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Unread post by David »

Restless Heart
This one's for you, my tired little heart.

I know some days you feel so restless, and days seem to be running out of time. I know sometimes you feel like you can do so much more, for your heart has always been filled with fire.

But my love, your fire will always belong to you, and the Universe will always know your great intentions. So tonight, give your heart some rest. You are as important as your dreams.

Tomorrow, you may start again.
In here, always

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My Letter to You
This is my letter to you, and I know I'm just another stranger trying to reach you through my words, in whatever way the universe allows. But I hope I'm able to remind you of how beautiful your existence simply is, how strong and capable you are, and how lucky the world is to be taking in your presence every single day.

This is me reminding you that somewhere out there, another soul admires you for how simply you are. Imperfect in every way, confusing and beautiful, just as you are meant to be. And while you continue to read this, know that my heart rejoices, knowing our paths have crossed, and I am so grateful that you are here.
In here, always

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Fleeting Moments

I hope no matter how easy it is to give up,
the good reasons to stay will continue to find you.

Like sun rays streaming through the window,
or like beach sand sifting between your fingers.

Always making a way through
Always making it 'til the end.

And until then, we are here, my love
and we'll find reasons to stay.
In here, always

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Unread post by David »

Sometimes, all we ever need is to make peace with closure.

To make peace with unanswered questions and allow time to breathe and find us in between the unknown and the truth.

And until then, trust that your heart belongs to what you don't know, as much as it does to what you do know.
In here, always

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Love Letter
It comforts me knowing that out there, you exist.

Breathing right at this moment, completely as you are. I may not know how your heart is filled right now, but as you lie in wonder tonight, know how much I long to share that moment with you.

Right now, I may not hold you and remind you just how beautiful and enough you simply are, but I know someday our paths will cross, and by then, I'll read this love letter to you.
In here, always

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Unread post by David »

If you're truly ready to see how powerful you are, you need to stop thinking about all the things outside of your control. Instead turn your heart, mind and soul towards all the things you can influence, and make something good happen. That's how to start a new day. And there's no time like now.

Together we step into the beautiful unknown! ❤️
Begin with Yes!

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You Are Enough

I hope someday you no longer feel like you need someone else to fill the void, that you need someone's touch to feel, or someone's presence to connect. I hope with each morning when you start to open your eyes, your heart no longer searches for its purpose in other people's hearts.

I hope someday you realize that it doesn't always take something else to be complete, but right here, as you exist, I hope you know that you're enough and that your only purpose is to simply be.
In here, always

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The Lunatics

I want you to tell me about every person you've ever been in love with. Tell me why you loved them, then tell me why they loved you. Tell me about a day in your life you didn't think you’d live through. Tell me what the word “home” means to you and tell me in a way that I’ll know your mothers name just by the way you describe your bed room when you were 8.

See, I want to know about the first time you felt the weight of hate and if that day still trembles beneath your bones. Do you kiss your friends on the cheek? Do you think that anger is a sincere emotion or just the timid motion of a fragile heart trying to beat away its pain? See, I want to know what you think of your first name. And if you often lie awake at night and imagine your mothers joy when she spoke it for the very first time.

I want you tell me all the ways you've been unkind. Tell me all the ways you've been cruel. Do you believe that Jesus died for you? Do you believe that Moses really parted the sea? And if you don’t believe in miracles, tell me, how would you explain the miracle of my life to me? And for all the times you've knelt before the temple of yourself, have the prayers you've asked come true? And if they didn't, did you feel denied? And if you felt denied, denied by who[m]?

I want to know what you see when you look in the mirror on a day you’re feeling good. I want to know what you see in the mirror on a day you’re feeling bad. I want to know the first person who ever taught you your beauty could ever be reflected on a lousy piece of glass. If you ever reach enlightenment, will you remember how to laugh? Have you ever been a song? See, I want to know more than what you do for a living. I want to know how much of your life you spend just giving. And if you love yourself enough to also receive sometimes.

I want to know if you bleed sometimes through other people’s wounds. And if you dream sometimes that this life is just a balloon that if you wanted to, you could pop— but you never would because you’d never want it to stop.

If a tree fell in the forest and you were the only one there to hear — if its fall to the ground didn’t make a sound, would you panic in fear that you didn’t exist, or would you bask in the bliss of your nothingness?

And lastly, let me ask you this: If you and I went for a walk and the entire walk, we didn’t talk — do you think eventually, we’d… hug? Do you think we'd build a future together and become a lot out of so many amazing possibilities? Do you think we'd. . .

No, wait. That’s asking too much —after all, this is only our first date.
Last edited by David on Thu Apr 21, 2022 2:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Unread post by David »

Begin with Yes
As the evening unfolds, I hope you will choose to find a few minutes alone to think about all that has happened today. There is of course, great wisdom in learning lessons from our past experiences, but a much deeper wisdom in gently letting go of things that have bruised us and hanging on only to those things that have made us smile. ❤️

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Second time

The worst thief of all is the kind of thief that steals time. 

Make sure you don’t live with them, drink with them, or dine with them. And certainly make sure you don’t sleep with them. This by the way, goes both ways. 

We can fall into the pleasing space in a relationship especially when we don’t want people to find out how we really feel. And that is not just a betrayal to them, but to ourselves. 

After loss, the only life worth living is the one that reveals our most authentic selves. 
Anything else is not life, it is just a waiting room with big windows.  It looks like it's part of the house, but it really is the extra room that never got finished. 

So go on, show or tell the truth to the person who should no longer be in your life.
Life after Loss

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Begin with Yes

Tonight as you lie in bed ready to sleep, think of the people in your life that you care about. One by one, whisper their names, picture them smiling and then offer them your blessings. It beats counting sheep, puts good energy out into the cosmos, and may very well have you drifting off with a smile on your face.

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The Storytellers

I no longer seek passion in a relationship, for passion, I’ve realised, is transient. The initial smiling behind a screen, the rushing-to-the-washroom-to-hear-their-voicenote, the thrill and excitement about the prospect of meeting them~all of it fades away too soon.

Love is passion, the man had said, but I like to believe it’s rest. It feels like changing into your home clothes after a long day at work, it sounds like your go-to playlist for every situation, filled with songs you’ve heard a thousand times, it looks like your favorite corner in your favorite cafe. I like to believe love is quiet, love is slow, love is easy and comforting and something that flows. I’d much rather you love me slowly than intensely, quietly than loudly, through tiny little efforts than big grand gestures.

All I’m trying to say is, if you love me, don’t make me your passion, make me your comfort. Don’t make me your party, make me your solitude. Don’t make me your adventure, make me your home. And if you really, truly love me, let me rest.

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We all want to manifest our callings, but timing is everything. I learned this the hard way. I always knew I would write, but I didn’t understand that I needed to build the foundation first. So, I sat down to write, time and again, and I couldn’t quite find it. I knew there was a writer living in there somewhere, but I couldn’t find him. I needed a little more time, a little more suffering, a lot more lessons. I hadn’t lived enough to manifest him.

In this driven world, we are often pushed to manifest too early. We are shamed for our uncertainty, insulted for our confusion, called lazy and selfish. But some callings need time to be cultivated. Some gifts cannot be opened too quickly. We have to craft them first, over time, in the fires of lived experience.

If you have a calling living inside of you, don’t rush to manifest it. Trust your own instincts as to the steps you need to take. Build the inner foundation you will need to see it through. Better to offer this ailing world one remarkable thing, than a hundred fragments of possibility. We need what you have to offer desperately.

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The Lunatics
One day it’s 12:27 am, and you’re sad. Not because of how life is treating you or anything. It’s just because you want someone next to you. Someone, who at the end of the day, will look at you and smile, asking what you want to have for dinner.

You’ll realize that you are longing for love, a comfortable and simple love; one that gives you a reason to shut off the computer and just have a conversation. You want a companion who will be there, who will be willing to give you space and who will also keep you close. It’s hard, because as you think, the clock slowly turns to 12:30am, and you are just tired of trying, and you just want it to happen. But it will, and you’ll look back at these late nights, and smile; wishing you could tell your single self that it’s going to be okay, that all the “No’s” were leading you to a beautiful yes.

So, as it gets later, you just need to remember that your sadness will be replaced with an overwhelming gratitude that you are loved; and that will be better than all the missed opportunities and made up dreams that you had.
Unwritten Letters to You

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The storytellers
Fck nudes. Send me a quote you've committed in your memory from your favorite book that forever changed you. Tell me the story of how you got that scar on your knee, take me back with your reminiscent of the childhood you wished you'd never forget. Or that time you first saw your reflection cry that devastated you deeply when you vowed from then on that you'd forever protect and love yourself.

Tell me, what kept you alive all this time when you hit rock bottom with nowhere to get help from. Make me be acquainted to the good and the bad, the highs and lows, the excruciatingly painful memories you've fight to supress your demons and then show me, show me how to slay them like you did, losing all false pretense of your invincibility so you don't have to fight alone anymore.

Because fck nudes. I'd rather divest you off of the unmentioned monsters keeping you cloaked but cold in the middle of your nighttime dreams. I'd rather have you reel off your favorite quote skimming on your skin so I'd understand where you're coming from, and where you're bound to go. I'd rather see, that the scar on your knee is the last one misery you'll douse yourself.

I'll fight for you in my prayers when I can't hold you in my arms' frailty; and if you ever fall overboard and hit rock bottom, I'd pull you up and delicately untangle you from the kelps of unworthiness ruggedly creeping on you. Your highs and lows intricately seamed together in the hems of the denouement you wear like your life, obscured.

Because fck nudes, let me love your worst in the best way I can.
barest nudity

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360 degrees of inspiration

I won’t lie, I can’t fix you…
I can’t sit here and tell you; you are beautiful, you are loved (even though you are) because it won’t make a difference - and that isn’t really what you need or want to hear when you are down. 

I can’t stroke the ego, caress your sorrow, or dance with empty words… 
I cannot make you walk but I can walk next to you.
I cannot tell you to stop crying, but I can dry your tears. 
most importantly… I won’t lie.

But… what I can do, is listen. 
I can hear your story, touch your sorrow, hug your pain and I can be present.

I won’t give you long-winded advice or try to change you. 
That “change” is in your heart and it is up to you because change actually needs YOU to fulfill the prophecy of your own being. 
It needs YOU to recognize the inner workings of misery. 
It needs YOU to fold, surrender, and quit fighting a battle that ended long ago. 
It needs YOU to need you.

I won’t lie, I can’t fix you.
Debbie lyn

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Someone said we had good time talking, she enjoyed moments with me and she was getting comfortable with me then suddenly, I disappeared.

She felt hurt and I left her wondering what she has done wrong to deserve such blacklisting.

I left her wallowing in her illusions, I made her think I was faking the attention and happiness she was deriving from my early morning sweet words and late night rhythms.

She said I shouldn't have taken her to that level, I shouldn't have made her feel so appreciated and loved, I shouldn't have made her feel someone somewhere cares.

She sure enjoy everything but the question is did I?

Did she reciprocate?

Did she make me feel all she felt?

It's so unfortunate that people write quotes to suite themselves.

What has she done to keep the conversation going?

Same person that can stay without saying Hi for weeks until I do so, same person that won't call or message me until I call, same person that don't know I exist untill I call to say Hiiii....I'm still breathing.

No one has time to spoon-feed any conversation or relationship anymore, if you are not giving it, you won't have it.

It so inhumane when you derive pleasure from people you don't wanna have anything with.

It's damn bad when you lead people on to satisfy your mental health when you know you've got nothing for them.

When they notice this and walk away, you start the victim game and start writing rubbish quote up and down.

You had the chance but you lost it. People will always walk away when you are not reciprocating and that's how you lose good people in your life.

Let someone you want also want you.

Don't force yourself into someone that is into someone else.

And be mentally alerting to know when you are just an ice cream mini shop on their way when they are actually heady to the mall

People will use you and when you realise and dump them, they feel pained and start gaslighting game.

Don't fall for it!

You matter too.

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Unread post by David »

In case no one’s told you lately, or ever: I’m so proud, of all you’ve accomplished in your life, and I’m so proud of who you are. I know we’ve had a rough go of things. Life sure hasn’t ever been gentle with us, or easy on us. But you rose up like a lion, and you fought back, and you refused to let the darkness define you, or break you. I’m so proud of you. No one I know, deserves happiness more than you.

God knows you’ve worked so hard for decades of your life, to grow through the concrete we got slammed into over and over again, when life knocked us down. Never forget that there is beauty in how we fall, strength in how we continue to breathe, courage in how we decide to keep fighting, and fierceness in how we rise.
Little Girl speak

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For all the things that are now gone, what I regretted the most are those that were not even given a chance.

The death of your favorite dandelion in a Summer rain, your muted favorite song in the audio, the spark of lightning that struck on a frozen lake, a love that ended without even started.

“Where did we go wrong?” I might I ask you for a moment, laughing — when we meet again at the old cathedral, one Sunday evening.

I will ask you for a cup of coffee, talk about what might happen if things did not happen or what might not happen if other things did happen.

If I waited for little longer, if I said a fewer words, if I became a little more patient, if I walked a little farther, would there be a promise kept?

It might feel awkward after sips, and I know it will. I might spoil things and say it again, “Where did we go wrong?”

Words would be between each breathe, heartbeats become so loud they deafen, and each tear from our eyes is a judgement of life and death.

At that day, you might be wearing your office dress you only dreamt about before, your glasses might have a higher grade, and your dreams may have come already.

In that day I might forget your face in that long time ago, your tears in my shirt, inside that room uptown, when we first asked an end.

And years may pass by and so many things may change; but then again, I might be the same child you met ten years ago. Still in love with your ponytails, your smiles, and your soul. And for once, I might spill the coffee and ask you for the last time, “can we make things right this time?"
Sant Bibliophile

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Diary of a broken woman
May I call you....

When life has hurt you so much
And despair strikes

May I stand behind you and support you

When the pain is so bad
That you hoist yourself up in a steel armor
So that nothing can touch you

May I still be close to you

When your heart has grown cold and bleak
Because it has been disappointed so often

May I warm it again

When your heart is too heavy with grief
So it feels like it wants to come out of your chest

May I help you carry your sorrow

When you think that no one listens to you anymore
To the stories of your pain

May I hear them again

When you feel supported by me
And have felt my love

May I then be with you?
Ineke Akkerman

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To the friends i lost on the way,

I don’t think we got a chance to say goodbye. I mean, we’ve said goodbyes a thousand times but I don’t think we knew that the last time we said it was actually the last. So, i think this is it. This is me saying goodbye. You know how important that is to me, don’t you?

Anyway, before i do that, i just wanted to let you know that I don’t hate you. I understand things don’t work out between people, and sometimes it’s better to part ways than walk on a road that leads to nowhere. I do wish we could’ve spent some more time together, but it’s okay, good things end, right? I think they should; they must before they turn ugly.

To be honest, I can’t tell what went wrong. I don’t know how you and i became so distant. All I remember is looking at you and feeling like I didn’t know you at all, like you didn’t know me at all. I’ve been a stranger to many, but being one to you hurt the most. It’s scary how in the blink of an eye we can become unknown to those who once knew us the most. But things change, things change.

You were good to me, you gave me the most beautiful of memories, you loved me on days I couldn’t even look at myself. Thankyou for that. I owe you.

I’m really glad that we met, but our chapter ends here. At least in this book. I hope you have a good life. And if we ever meet again, i hope you recognise me.

So long, my friend, so long.
The storytellers

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Every time we reach this day —the end of the month — we sit and wonder about the things we did wrong, the ways we disappointed ourselves, all our failures and setbacks. We nitpick our faults and make sure that we don't commit the same mistakes in the future.

I hope that when this day ends, your errors aren't all that you remember. I hope you remember the days that were awfully heavy and you made it through anyway. I hope you remember the times when you picked yourself up and took care of your heart and body. I hope you remember the times when you felt hopeless but you didn't stop believing in yourself, even when it felt futile. I hope you remember those little steps of bravery you took despite your fear. I hope you take great pride in the small acts of kindness that you showed even when there was no one to witness it.

For all the times, when you petted the animals and fed the birds and for all the times, when you made minor but important changes to become a better version of yourself - I hope you remember all of that, too. I hope that when you reach the end of the year, you take the lessons that the world taught you but you also remember to pat yourself for making it through every single day.

You might feel like you are on the verge of collapsing but I assure you that it will turn out okay eventually. I hope that in the coming month you don't doubt yourself, you believe in all that you have become and all that you are becoming. I hope that you get braver and do things anyway even if you are trembling in fear. I hope you don't forget that you are more important than your flaws.

This year, envision the you that you most enjoy, the you that you are happiest with. I hope you become that favourite version of yourself.

Love x.
The storytellers

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I rarely say I love you because I know just how meaningful it is. It isn't just a mere three-word sentiment that you say when you feel butterflies in your stomach seeing the person you like.

When I say I love you, it means I love you now and I will love you in every tomorrow that will come.

It means that I will love you when you are tired from your day at work. And I will let you rant to me about all the things that went wrong in your day and even the littlest things that made you smile as well.

It means that I will love you during the times that you are silent, moody or indifferent, knowing that there is a deep reason why you're drowning quietly in your thoughts. I will patiently wait for you to open up and will listen to your words attentively once you do.

It means that I will love you even when you're mad because I know you only get angry when I am involved. I know how much you value my health and safety; and you get pissed when I sometimes forget those.

It means that I will love you most especially when you're at your lowest; when you feel like the world is against you, making you give up. I will lend you my hand for support, my shoulders for you to cry on, and my heart - for you to know that even when you doubt yourself, I believe in you. I have faith that you can make your dreams come true.

And most especially, it means that I will love you even when good bye is the only choice we'd have to make and reach our end. I will thank the universe for giving me someone like you, who made me love myself and love life more than I ever did before meeting you. I will love you because you taught me the true essence of love itself and I saw it in your presence.

When I say I love you, I hope you remember these things. I love you more than you'll ever know. I love you even when I seldom speak of it. I love you. Please don't forget that I do.
The storytellers

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These young couples came in.

Beautiful ones.

The wife's data read 24 going to 25 and the husband won't be more than 27.

The wife was heavily pregnant but she needed to sort something out in person.

I was to attend to them.

The wife sat and the hand of the guy was on her protruded tummy. She would move his hand again to touch another part. It looked like a movie to me as I watched them with the drama.

She'll scream again.

"Here! here!! here!!!" And the guy would quickly move his hand to the part. I wanted to laugh because the guy was too serious and cautious. The expression on his face when moving the hand was funny.

It was a beautiful sight tho, it got to a point that she had to get some things done in another place and bring the form back to me but it would be a lot of stress for her so I told the husband to help her out.

He collected the form and had not taken two steps when the lady screamed his name again.

"Segun, here! Here!!"

I couldn't help but laughed out loud.

The guy rushed back and placed his hand on that spot.

"Bro, that's what I've been facing o" he said with him sweating under the AC

I took the form from him and went around for her while she has her husband to herself, I left him to his duty.

When I came back and everything was sorted.

She thanked me.

When they were about going and she wanted to stand up, she couldn't stand up and the husband couldn't use a hand to lift her so I rushed to her and helped her up.

I still couldn't stop laughing.

They left.

Last week, they came with a beautiful baby boy. He looks exactly like his father.

"Can I carry him?" I asked.

Without a word, she placed him on my hand. He wallowed beautiful. His smile was endearing.

Oh my Ovaries....

It made me wanted a baby so bad.

"I'll hold my baby like this one day" I said.

The husband laughed.

"So you are not married, if you marry a woman like my wife, be ready for work o" he said and we laughed.

"You are a good man and thanks for your support always, I use to say my husband and my Dad are the only good men left in this world, I think I just found another one, God bless you sir" she said and they took their leave.

Let the world be painted with this kind of colourful paint. We love to see it.

And be kind to pregnant women too.

Its not easy.

Her parting words made my day

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The storytellers

I hate dreaming of you.

I hate it because there, we are everything that we're not.

In my dreams, you take me as yours and you fill my life with new colors. In my dreams, you do all the things that make my heart flutter and I love yous, are all you utter.

I hate dreaming of you because it reminds me of how much I really wanted to be with you; but our time has passed and now you're gone.

These dreams just give me false hopes of being yours then takes me swiftly back to reality wherein "You and I" can never be - that's why I hate every bit of it.

I pray to not see you in my dreams tonight.

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Unthinkable Beliefs.

Please make sure that wherever you’re at in life, you don’t treat it like a transitory period.

Don’t waste your college years wishing to already be graduated & have a job. Don’t waste your single years wishing for someone to be in love with. If/when those things come, they will come in due time and they will be good. But there is nothing like looking back and feeling empty because you wasted literal years ignoring what you had because you were hoping for something better.

While it’s important to better yourself and reach for your goals, don’t neglect the present because that’s where you are now and it’s your now that determines your future.

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Unread post by David »

The worst thief of all is the kind of thief that steals time.
Make sure you don’t live with them, drink with them, or dine with them.
And certainly make sure you don’t sleep with them.

This by the way, goes both ways.
We can fall into the pleasing space in a relationship especially when we don’t want people to find out how we really feel.
And that is not just a betrayal to them, but to ourselves.

After loss, the only life worth living is the one that reveals our most authentic selves.
Anything else is not life, it is just a waiting room with big windows.
It looks like it's part of the house, but it really is the extra room that never got finished.

So go on, show or tell the truth to the person who should no longer be in your life.
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Unread post by Nakupendah »

I have been a silent reader. Please continue posting. It helps a lot.

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Unread post by David »

And there will be times when you will know that no matter how hard you try, you have a higher possibility of failing. You will find yourself unprepared for the worst and all your hopes and dreams will shatter in front of your eyes. You will immediately want to give up, to put yourself out of your misery but those are the moments that will determine who you become.

It's okay to take a step back when you know you are not ready but I hope you don't run away just because you are afraid. I hope you don't give it up just because you have been living in fear for so long that you don't know how to free yourself. I hope that in those golden moments, you choose to be brave because they will remind you for the rest of your life that even at the point of absolute chaos, you had the determination to go on.

If there is anything you can carry in this world, let it be hope. Even if you cannot completely decide who you want to be, please dream and hope for something and then, try to live a little in it. Not just daydream about it, but live in it. If tomorrow makes you feel like there's no way to make it through, you still have to give your best. It may look futile but giving 15% is still better than giving 0%.

When you are done, you won't find yourself questioning 'what if'. You will know that your body and your mind gave the best that you are capable of now. Failures are a part of life and they only bring you closer to the person you want to be. Even if it feels like there are no real changes, you have grown in tiny, unrecognisable ways. You are closer to your dreams than you were a year ago.

Do not regret what you didn't and couldn't do. Instead, be proud of your small steps and keep trying. There will be a day when you will make it through.
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Unread post by David »

Please be honest. If you find someone better than me, or you just fall out love, tell me. I won't hold you back. I will let you go. Certainly, it will break me into pieces, but it is much better than to live with lies. I am tired of being a victim of betrayal. I know how cruel love is and I won't ask you to swear for eternity.

So, promise me that if you don't love me anymore, you will not hide it from me. Tell me. Just tell me.
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Unread post by David »

Sometimes, the best affirmation comes from presence. To assure them that no matter what happens, you will still be there for them.

And that's what I want to share to the world. I may not be physically present, nor actively replying, but I am here. I'm here for you.

In case no one told you yet, I'm glad that you are existing.
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Unread post by David »

Lets talk about how hard it is to open up to someone about being sad for no reason. Lets talk about how hard it is to explain to your friends and family that you have this heavy feeling in your chest for no reason. Lets talk about how hard it is to understand why you’re having a panic attack while just taking a walk back home.

Lets talk about how hard it is to understand your own self and how scary it is to feel like the whole world is falling on your shoulders and you have no idea why.
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Unread post by David »

Why didn’t anyone tell us about the 20s crisis when we were young? Why did they tell us that when university ends, our life starts and takes off very well from there? Why did they paint rainbows and butterflies to our life post graduation?

I’ve heard of mid-life crisis and was well aware of what happens in “early teens”. But this, this -I have no clue- phase is not fun. No, absolutely not fun. One day is up, the next day is down. One day, I figured it out, the next day is back to square zero. One day life is perfect, next day is I want to quit life. One day, I have the perfect job, next day is I made wrong career decisions. One day is I picked the right major, next day my major was my life’s worst decision. One day I’m doing an MBA, 10 masters and 5 PHDs, next day, I’m done with education. One day, I can’t wait to have a family, next day is happily single forever.

You know what’s funny? Society expects us to figure out everything in our 20s and live calmly afterwards
Unthinkable beliefs
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